Pithecanthropus (noun). An extinct primate postulated from bones found in Java in 1891 and originally designated as Pithecanthropus erectus because it was thought to represent a species evolutionarilybetween apes and human beings. Pithecanthropus is now classified as Homo erectus.
[Scientific Neo-Latin, genus name : Greek pithekos, ape + Greek anthropos, man.]
Greek πίθηκος 'ape, monkey' is a loanword of undetermined origin.
I propose to compare it with Berber *abidaw 'monkey', a masculine word based on a root bid, and Chadic *bidi 'monkey'. It is interesting to note that the voiced phonemes of Berber and Chadic root R=*bid have been adjusted in Greek as Pre-Greek *bhidh, that is Greek pith, instead of **bid.
This is in line with the Glottalic theory of Proto-Indo-European and this issue will be discussed in coming posts.
Greetings. A.
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